Date: Friday, May 3rd, 2013
Location: A Marriott in Bakersfield, California
Event: Southwest Section Meeting 99s
Heather and Moe share a hotel room for the first time.
Will the snoring take precedence over any flying experience? Who will use the most towels? Why do women have such heavy luggage? (Because we can).
Unfortunately, Heather and Moe will never be participants in a reality TV show with viral videos on YouTube for screaming hysterically at each other. Heather somehow tolerated Moe's chatting about the meetings and Moe slept soundly through both pilot's snoring. Ear plugs are a girl's best friend in a hotel room besides a feather-free pillow.
TEST #3 Complete. The aviatrixes can share a hotel room.
But the ultimate test will come next...can the 2 tom-girls shop together for matching outfits for the ARC banquet????
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