Saturday, December 15, 2012

How did this all start?
Date:  12/15/15 Saturday
Setting:  Reno High Sierra 99s Christmas party
Players:  Heather and Moe

Heather: "Hey, Moe, what do you think about going for the Air Race Classic this year?!!  We've talked about it before."
Moe (sounding hesitant): "Hmm.  My boyfriend will disown me.  I'm already flying too much."
Heather: "Take this Air Race Classic (ARC) brochure home to look at it.  Think about it.  It would be so cool!"
Moe, excited:' " I KNOW, right?!@*&^"

And that's how Heather finished hooking Moe...who had been thinking about it for a few years already!